There were so many beautiful quilts at the Festival and I took lots of photos. Through Our Hands had a great exhibition and I want to show you some of Jenni Dutton's portraits. You will find more to read here:
Through Our Hands.
Jenni Dutton "Mum Rubbing Her Hands" |
Detail |
Jenni Dutton |
Another great artist is Genevieve Attinger
Genevieve Attinger "La Rumeur" (cropped) |
Detail |
Studio Art Quilt Associates, SAQA, showed their exhibition Food for Thought. Jim Hay had a lovely quilt telling the story about his Grandfather who had saved money for the family to move from Guernsey Island to America in 1912. But his Great Grandmother became ill before they could leave and the tickets were returned. The quilt is showing the old lady eating tomato soup.
Jim Hay "August 10, 1912 Tomato Soup" |
Speaking about oldies ...
Me in SAQA's Booth
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