Yesterday was my dyeing day. I had no specific plans, just needed more colors in my stash and to use up the dye solutions I made this August, I've kept the solutions cold in a separate fridge. Here are the results made of Procion MX:

The green one is my favorite, soft linen (Auntie's bridal sheet) and I used two parts of Lemon Yellow and one part Cobalt Blue. The brown is an ugly green cloth I overdyed with equal parts Deep Orange and Black.
Here comes the blue and red. The second blue from top and the bottom red are both overdyed in a jam jar. It's an easy way to dye learned from Bobbi Britnell.
Finally a golden yellow, a pale red and a pale gray, they all might be useful some day - or overdyed another time.
I have been reading "Pattern-Free Quilting" a book I told about in my blog last week and I will give it a try this week.
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